Sunday, November 24, 2013

Total Recall

Total Recall- 1990
Set in the year 2038, Total Recall is a futuristic, psychological roller coaster ride that plays with our conceptions of authentic and synthetic memories. What makes an experience real? Is it our literal actions or just the cerebral remnants of those actions in the form of personal memory? Douglas Quaid played by Arnold Schwarzenegger who is a special agent that is stuck in between his authentic memories and synthetic memories that were planted by a C.IA type agency. He becomes his own pawn in a weird plan to destroy Kuato, a Martian alien revolutionary. Now this film has an interesting premise but it is often overshadowed by an abundance of over the top violence. At times it is more of an action film with Arnold filling his typical role of action hero than a thoughtful sci-fi film. However, it is always interesting given our current position in time to go back in time to see what the vision of the future once was. Technology can either date a film, making aspects really outdated or they truly capture a futuristic feel for Total Recall it is a bit of both; boxy cars and sets no longer seem “futuristic” while intergalactic recreational travel and advanced memory replacement are still out of our reach, at least to my knowledge. Another interesting aspect is Doug Quaid/ Hausser's decision to live in the now, following his instincts throughout the film and not always believing the b.s that is being thrown his way, this actually gives the character his credibility instead of just coming off as a psycho killer who is a few cards short of a full deck. Total Recall is exciting in both visual and contextual realms, the special effects are strong providing a few memorable visual moments like the long shots of Mars or Kuato the mutant. The general idea of synthetic vs. authentic memories and experiences remains the strongest component of the entire film and at times is overshadowed with unnecessary violence. Total Recall is a good, thoughtful film that just has a little too much big budget special effect, shoot em up watering it down.

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